About me

Hi! I am Software Engineer New Grad at Microsoft, working with ML at AKS. I've recently completed my BS in Computer Engineering at the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), in Brazil. I also do research in ML and Geometry Processing, continuing the projects I started during the MIT's Summer Geometry Initiative.

In my home university, I am a member of the Artificial Intelligence Applications Laboratory, UFPB since April 2019. Where I have been working in a research project in partnership with the X-ray Physics Lab, UPenn.

In addition to my academic pursuits, I co-founded TAIL (Technology and Artificial Intelligence League) a non-profit organization oriented by the ARIA Lab professors. The academic league aims to teach new students, produce content, contribute to AI and Data Analysis field and help the members achieve their goals (internships, graduation programs, full-time jobs).

Outside the lab, I've gained valuable experience through internships at Amazon, and Rei do Pitaco, where I honed my skills in software development. I'm also a proud recipient of the Fundação Estudar's Tech Fellowship (One of 0.6% approved over 4285 applications in 2022).

In my spare time I like swimming, playing RPGs, and reading.

You can get in touch with me at jpvteixeira99@gmail.com, visit my GitHub, or connect with me in Linkedin.

