Exvivo surface mesh reconstruction from in-vivo FreeSurfer meshes
This project translated in-vivo MRI FreeSurfer meshes into ex-vivo meshes using a surface-based approach to close the deep sulci of the brain. The project was part of the Summer Geometry Institute 2023.
Sampling Surfaces from Point Clouds
This project uses Gaussian and Neural Processes to predict a distribution of possible surfaces of a given Point Cloud. The project was part of the Summer Geometry Institute 2023.
The (in)accurate Gradients of Neural Representations
This project explored different methods to smooth the noisy gradients of Implicit Neural Spatial Representations for Time-dependent PDEs. The project was part of the Summer Geometry Institute 2023.
LASER Autonomous SLAM
This project aims to develop an exploration and mapping system for a custom differential drive robot designed by LASER-Robotics Lab. The system uses the SLAM Toolbox for simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), Nav2 for navigation, and Explore Lite for autonomous exploration.
3D Noise Generator Dashboard
An interactive web-based dashboard for generating and visualizing 3D noise volumes using Streamlit. Customize noise parameters like noise type, volume size, number of volumes, and more, then explore the generated volume slice by slice. Export the volume as a TIFF file for further processing or analysis.
GANdido Portinari
In this project we trained a CycleGan to reproduce Candido's Portinari style into photos of places and people.
Denoising documents
In this project I've explored image processing methods that could fix the text samples in documents images.